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- DATA -
Mission ID 30
Author Blanik
Date 2015-07-12 16:00:00
Mission Name Nuc Busters
Duration 01:30
Mission Task Strike
TS Server 87th Straydogs
Primary TgT P’youngsan’s Nuclear Plant
Secondary TgT SA2, SA6, AAA
Alternate Airbase Chongwon Airfield
Loadout Changeable no
Start ramp
Difficulty Rating 3
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STRIKE 2 x F16A-MLU Cowboy 1 TO:06:22:21 Push: ToT: 07:00:00 Homeplate: Chongju
SEAD ESCORT 2 x F16A-MLU Falcon 1 TO:06:18:55 Push: ToT: 06:56:00 Homeplate: Chongju
ESCORT 4 x F16A-MLU Fury 1 TO:06:18:34 Push: ToT: 06:37:32 Homeplate: Kunsan
Checked in Pilots: 6 Of 8

STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 1 Spit
STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 2 Blanik

SEAD ESCORT Falcon 1 - 1 Blade
SEAD ESCORT Falcon 1 - 2 Harpoon

ESCORT Fury 1 - 1 Hans
ESCORT Fury 1 - 2 Amway
ESCORT Fury 1 - 3
ESCORT Fury 1 - 4

Nuc Busters

Latest INTEL reports indicate that the DPRK has successfully tested a nuclear weapon. Nuclear war poses as a threat, once more, to the civilized world.

The 87th Stray Dogs Virtual Fighter Wing was given the assignment of destroying P’youngsan’s Nuclear Plant, in hope of restraining the production and retarding the introduction of nuclear weapons on the Korean conflict.