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- DATA -
Mission ID 54
Author Jezzder
Date 2016-08-01 01:00:00
Mission Name Op Cronos
Duration 01:15
Mission Task DEAD/ESCORT
TS Server TBD
Server TBD
Primary TgT Air Drop
Secondary TgT SA2 Site
Alternate Airbase Any
Loadout Changeable yes
Start ramp
Difficulty Rating 3
Download Mission File Op

ESCORT 2 x F16C-52 Snake 1 TO:6:33:05 Push: 6:48:02 ToT: 5:00 Homeplate: Kunsan
SEAD STRIKE 2 x F16C-52 Shark 1 TO:6:35:43 Push: 6:42:12 ToT: Homeplate: Kunsan
ESCORT 4 x F16C-52 Python 1 TO:6:39:28 Push: 6:46:37 ToT: Homeplate: Kunsan
Checked in Pilots: 6 Of 8

ESCORT Snake 1 - 1
ESCORT Snake 1 - 2

SEAD STRIKE Shark 1 - 1 Amway
SEAD STRIKE Shark 1 - 2 Trippp

ESCORT Python 1 - 1 Rhino
ESCORT Python 1 - 2 Momps
ESCORT Python 1 - 3 Poison
ESCORT Python 1 - 4 Jezzder


Op Cronos

Op Cronos files, including a brief Op Order with a little story, have been uploaded here and to the file server at:


/Briefing/Tactical Engagement Missions -Briefings/Jezzder


If you've got any recommendations for additions or changes, please let me know before Sunday and I'll see if I can implement the changes.


See you all there!

