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- DATA -
Mission ID 31
Author Harpoon
Date 2015-07-19 18:00:00
Mission Name Pueblo Seizure
Duration 01:30:00
Mission Task Strike
TS Server
Server Server
Primary TgT Wonsan Harbour Facilities
Secondary TgT TBD
Alternate Airbase
Loadout Changeable no
Start ramp
Difficulty Rating 3
Download Mission File Operation Pueblo Seizure.rar

STRIKE 4 x F16C-52 Cowboy 1 TO:05:20 Push: ToT: Homeplate: Seosan
ESCORT 2 x F16A-MLU Fury 2 TO:05:18 Push: ToT: Homeplate: Kunsan
SEAD ESCORT 2 x F16A-MLU Falcon 2 TO:05:16 Push: ToT: Homeplate: Kunsan
AWACS 1 x - - 0 TO: Push: ToT: Homeplate: -
Checked in Pilots: 7 Of 9

STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 1 Harpoon
STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 2 scratch
STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 3 Oddball
STRIKE Cowboy 1 - 4

ESCORT Fury 2 - 1 Amway
ESCORT Fury 2 - 2 Slack
SEAD ESCORT Falcon 2 - 1 PopTops
SEAD ESCORT Falcon 2 - 2 Blanik

AWACS - 0 - 1

Pueblo Seizure





Cloud base 35000ft MSL

Con layer 34000ft MSL


LOADOUT: -A-G weapons are free for all human flights except add or remove fuel tanks

                       -For FURY flight the loadout cannot be changed

AIR REFUEL- Mandatory on ingress for Falcon and Fury flight, Cowboy is at leads discretion.

FLIGHT PLAN- Fixed for all flights