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87th Mission Statement

PRIMARY GOAL. The 87th Stray Dogs VFW will continue to be one of the leading Virtual Fighter Wings found on the internet, with a high skill-level among its members. The 87th Stray Dogs VFW will be an active and well working organisation, which proves itself less vulnerable to changes in its environment. The wing will, as when founded, be based on friendship and having fun. SUB-GOALS. Size vs. Quality: The size of the wing is not essential. Our goal is to maintain a size, which eflects a healthy and smooth working organisation with committed members. If this means lesser members, but more fun and higher feeling of comradeship, this will be our aim. Realism vs. Fun: We will try to set a balance between being the best virtual pilots found on the internet, with a high degree of realism in our flying, versus that all our members are still having fun. Our intention is not to reach the realism nor the skill-level of real fighter pilots. We prioritise the "overall gameplay" over realism. Virtual Military role-play: We will continue to practice the virtual military role-play. This role-play will work in two directions.

  1. As a system to manage the basic resources within the wing i.e. responsibilities can be handed out, and the progress of projects can be controlled.
  2. As a reward-system towards our members. Being a non-profit organisation, we don't have any means to honour good work or skills, than by rewarding our members with the honour which comes with promotions and commendations.

The role-play is only a mean of management and "having fun" building a career. We are a wing, which is based on the principle:"The 87th is what its members makes it". All members can gain influence by showing commitment and effort. Activities: In order to maintain the fun-aspect of flying online, we aim for having activities running continuously. This will partly be done by integrating the role-play and use of "operational-squadrons" into our activities. Our aim is not, that the Wing Staff shall provide these activities, but that the members create and initiate activities themselves. The co-ordination of activities will be managed through the OO of the wing. Future simulator-improvements: We are flying a simulator, which has been constantly improving. We - in general - support all improvements made for the simulator-community, but will, as a Virtual Fighter Wing, aim for being less vulnerable tochanges.

On behalf of the 87th Wing Staff Col. Trapper Wing Commander (Retired) 87th Stray Dogs VFW